My Neovim Configuration

I use Neovim as my main editor for programming and developing any application. Neovim is much faster as compare to VSCode or other applications. In this artice I will tell you how you can configure your Neovim for daily programming activities.

Neovim is getting more popular and it's plugins have been evolved so well. I’d like to share my latest setup for coding React and TypeScript based apps. The config files are written in Lua language. We will be using Packer for our package installation. If you have dotfiles already with you, you can take some inspiration from my dotfiles. I hope you enjoy it.


Here is recipe for my setup

Prerequisites — Alacritty and Nerd Fonts

Alacritty is blazing fast terminal available for both Linux and MacOS. And you need to download nerd fonts so that you will get cool looking terminal. I have added my alacritty settings in dotfiles link above. Please do check.

My github repository link

Install Alacritty via Homebrew

brew install Alacritty

Install Neovim with Homebrew

brew install Neovim